
„Lomtagora 126“

2014 year - The variety “Lomtagora 126”  belongs to a  soft wheat type (Triticum aestivum L) and is the kind of the red grain  form  var. lutencens (Alef).
“ Lomtagora  126” is  a cold and draught  resistant  variety, is characterized by high ability of germination, strong root system and  high bushiness. The quantity of  the well developed productive cones on one plant fluctuates   from 7 to 12, which are located at the similar level.
In comparison with a standard  variety  is an early variety, the maximum height of a plant is 100 cm, it is steady against laying, it is easily threshed and  is suitable for the mechanized harvesting. Ears are  white , 11 cm long with well developed 20-25 cones, grains are  large, red, with horny consistence.
The plant is steady against fungoid diseases.
The average productivity of  “Lomtagora  126” on  a hectare in comparison with the  control varieties    Bezostaya 1 and Jagger is higher on 2-3 tons. In the conditions of a high agro background potential productivity of the variety makes 8-10 tons ton  a hectare.

"Lomtagora 143“

2017 year - Variety“Lomtagora 143”belongs to soft wheat specie (Triticum aestivum L) and to variety  of a red grain awnless form - var. lutescens (Alef.).
Variety “Lomtagora 143”is characterized by high ability of germination, strong root system and  high tailoring. The quantity of well developed productive cones on 1 sq.m fluctuates within 570-580 which are of identical height.
The maximum height of a plant is 100 cm, it is steady against lodging, is  easily threshed, is suitable for the mechanized harvesting. A spike is of straw color, 10 cm long, with well developed 20spikelet, with 65-70 grainsin a spike, grains of a red color and of horn consistence. Weight of 1000 grains-45 grams.
Differs with medium resistance to fungal diseases.
Productivity of the variety Lomtagora 143 in the conditions of medium  agrobackground makes 6,5 t/hectare.

"Lomtagora 149“

2012 year - “Lomtagora 149”  is a variety of bread wheat. It is characterized with wide adaptation, as the number of emerged and survived plants is about 90%. The tillers are semi-prostrate, while the stems are erect charaterizedf with intermediate height (95-97 cm) and resistance to lodging. Typically, the date of heading is between 125 and 130 days counted from January 1. The spike is white, awned, characterized with intermediate height (10-11 cm) and density. Number of fertile spikelets per head is high. Equal height of tillers and easy threshing facilitates the harvest of grain. The grain is read and vitreous. There are 50-60 kernels in average per spike. Thousand kernel weight is about 41-43 grams. Wet gluten content varies between 23 – 25.0%. The variety is characterized with yield stability. Average yield varies between 5.0-5.5 tone/ha. Its resistance to rusts, powdery mildew and septorios varies between high and intermediate-high. The variety Lomtagora 149  is recommended to al wheat growing regions of Georgia.

„Gorda 16“

2017 year - Triticale (×Triticosecale spp.) variety “Gorda 16” is of the feed- grain application. Plant height  115-130 cm, is characterized  with ample leafage. The spike is white, awned, slightly fleecy, 13-14 cm long. Forms 30-36 spikelet. Grain is red, with semi-horn consistence, complete, extended. Amount of grains in  spike -60-65. Mass of grains of one spike 3.2-3.8 gram. Weight is 1000 grains - 60-65 grams. Potential productivity of grain  is  6.5-7.5 t/hectare, and  of green mass-55.0-60.0.t/hectare
For receiving of  green massl sowing is carried out at the end of September,or  in the first decade of October. Norm of sowing of 5.0-5,5 ml/hectare of seeds capable  of germination. Harvesting of green material is carried out in a heading phase. Is the best intermediate culture for receiving two harvests from the same site (corn).

„Lomtagora 109“

2011 year – “Lomtagora 109”  is winter bread wheat variety. Its height is average, varying from 100-105 cm. It is characterized with lodging resistance, higher than average winterhardiness and drought resistance. It is early for 2-6 days as compared to the local checks. Its spikes are easily threshed and the variety is appropriate for mechanical harvest. It is resistant to rusts and foliar diseases such as septorios and powdery mildew. The spikes are white, awned and have shape of a thimble with length up to 13-15 cm. There are 65-70 grains per spike in average. Lomtagora 109  is a high yielding variety. During the three-year evaluation period its yield varied from 5.0 to 6.5 ha in average.
Lomtagora 109 is adapted to all wheat-growing regions of Georgia.

„Lomtagora 123“

2010 year - Lomtagora 123 is winter bread wheat variety. Its height is average, varying from 80-85 cm. It is characterized with lodging resistance, higher than average winter hardiness and drought resistance. It is early for 4-5 days as compared to the local checks. Its spikes are easily threshed and the variety is appropriate for mechanical harvest. It is resistant to rusts and foliar diseases such as Sertorius and powdery mildew. The spikes are white, waned and have shape of a thimble with length up to 11-12 cm. There are 55-60 grains per spike in average. Thousand kernel weight reaches 52 grams. Grain wet gluten content varies from 20-22%. Lomtagora 123 is a high yielding variety. During the three-year evaluation period its yield varied from 5.0 to 6.0 ha in average.
Lomtagora 123 is adapted to all wheat-growing regions of Georgia.



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